BULLDOG Has Not Been Sacked, He Is Now My Personal Bodyguard - NANA APPIAH MENSAH Speaks

Yesterday, July 29, news broke that Lawrence Nana Asiamah Hanson popularly known as Bulldog has been sacked by Zylofon Media. However, what led to his sack has not yet been established.

Bulldog used to run his Indie record label called Bullhaus Entertainment however when Zylofon Media came into the scene, he joined them.

The sacking of Bulldog came as a surprise because he is hardworking and passionate about what he does.

CEO of Zylofon Media, Nana Appiah Mensah a.k.a NAM 1 has finally broken his silence regarding this development. According to NAM 1, Bulldog has not been sacked however Bulldog is now his personal bodyguard.

" Yesterday I chanced on news circulating in the media which indicated that Bulldog has been sacked. I want to emphatically and categorically state that Bulldog has not been sacked. I have been looking for a personal bodyguard for a long time now so I deemed it appropriate to use Bulldog. Looking at his body size and how aggressive he is, he is the right person for the position" he said.

Nana Appiah Mensah further indicated that Bulldog used to be the head of all the managers however he will now be the head of the security men.

"Bulldog has been my favourite and will always been my favourite. He used to be the boss among all the managers. Now he will be bossing all the security men around. All the security men will be reporting to him. I am also going to double his salary" he added.

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